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Policy Papers

Reinforcing the Eurozone and protecting an open society
Corsetti, G., Feld, L., Koijen, R., Reichlin, L., Reis, R., Rey H., Weder di Mauro, B.
Date Published: 01/05/2016
Monitoring the Eurozone 2, CEPR. http://voxeu.org/content/reinforcing-eurozone-and-protecting-open-society

The sovereign debt and refugee crises prove that Europe has failed to design institutions that are robust enough to weather difficult times. The stakes are high–when economic shocks and political crises coincide, the risk of disintegration rises to alarming levels. Coordinated actions are needed, but these are difficult to implement because of the political climate. In this second report in the Monitoring the Eurozone series, the authors propose a package of institutional changes that can help to restore growth and prosperity to the Eurozone, whilst at the same time being politically feasible.
Corsetti, Giancarlo and Feld, Lars P. and Koijen, Ralph S.J. and Reichlin, Lucrezia and Reis, Ricardo and Rey, Helene and di Mauro, Beatrice Weder (2016) Reinforcing the and protecting an open society : monitoring the Eurozone. 2. Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK. ISBN 9781907142994

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